Friday 5 February 2016

Target Located

Apologies for the lengthy absence, we had to avoid the suspicion of our Secondary Target, the Boy who appeared with The Blade all those months ago. He runs a video document called MyBlog1, but that's been rather silent lately... He's the key to all of this. To stopping the Giant, to saving the world, everything. We tracked him using this fancy gizmo, and energy reader if you will. picks up this radiation-like stuff, discovered back in the eighties or nineties if I remember rightly. We tracked him to some apartments, which makes sense since the entire village he lives in is flooded. It also appears to be contained in some kind of time warp, pockets of time dilation, groundhog day-esque repeates, etcetera.

Regardless, we found him... almost. The entire Apartment he's in and a tiny sphere around it is drenched in the Sigma Radiation, and some other... weird effects, such as;

-Time Dilation issues (Frame Dragging?)
-Memory loss/blackouts of individuals in apartments
-Massive sightings of Prime Target (The HollowTree/The S-Man/etc.)
-Odd Dimensional effects (residents recall entering their own apartments and finding furniture differently arranged, or finding doppelgangers of themselves)

These effects, plus the massive surge which occurred a little over two weeks (~DEC 28th, though again, the temporal displacement issues seem to indicate an internal time dilation which has small effects long term, but enormous effects over the course of weeks or months) suggest that the Boy is in the Apartment... just not our apartment.

We believe The Giant attempted to attack Secondary Target; and that either the interaction of It's powers with His 'shunted' The Boy into another dimension, (a parallel tangent, leading to the alt and our version of the child's mind merging) or that the Boy used his own powers to rip a hole in reality, perhaps unconsciously.

What we do know, however, is that he must be trapped there. Even accounting for extreme time dilation, Secondary Target must have experienced considerable time; at least enough to realise what is occurring around him, leading to two possible theories:

-Due to the fact he and his parallel self occupied the same space at the same time, they merged into one entity, essentially, causing considerable amnesiac effects, which may or may not be temporary.
-He arrived in the parallel tangent and was either hunted down by the Giant immediately, or chased away from the 'fracture point'.

We may not have long. Pulling the Boy out is all that matters now.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Posted Schedule Interruption

-This is an automated post. The Automated System has found 1 draft. Uploading draft now-
[Draft appears to be corrupted in some places.]

Draft Date; September 27th 2015

Draft Begins:

Title:Spotty Internet

CJ here. The internet has been coming and going meaning it's harder and harder to post our findings. /S/ is still f 44 21 36 87 92round with that Blade thing. We aren't sure why we haven't seen the Giant. In the last post, I mentioned a battery of sorts, using the Black Gloop -- Remember? Well, turns out the stuff can explode, or is at least really bloody flammable, and is reall22 33 99 10 08 12 20 20 20 44, anyway we're really having difficulty with the c

uters this week. And all the fighter-men (my word for soldiers now, apparently) keep passing out on duty. Shit's getting weird around here.

I'll update you all soon
with love,
CJ <3


So first off we're trying out this cool speech-to-text thing.

Secondly, /S/ wanted to show off the Blade. He says it c00 98 73 37 01 10 44 101100

what.[?] yeah, I'm just using the S T T think. it seems to be hay[closest word error?], just has some grandma errors. oh you have the knife worked out? sure I'll update hen all late her.

Draft Ends.

-More drafts older than two months found. Upload? Y? N?-

Wednesday 23 September 2015


Days and days have gone by. Almost twenty. It's not been here. The Tall Man has been utterly absent, giving us more time to experiment. Interestingly, the substance that the Giant has "given off" seems to have a possible use - mild electromagnetic radiation is emitted by large enough quantities.

- Perhaps enough to power a small-scale nuclear battery? Despite not being present, the Tall Things seems to have disrupted communications with The Agency itself; blocking us off from outside help. And of course, S is still testing the effects of the Horizons' Blade...

...I can't believe the Giant would give us such an effective tool so wantonly. Maybe it was some kind of... tradeoff with the waistcoated boy?

Other than that, not much else to update on apart from the fact we're... y'know, alive.


~CJ <3

Saturday 5 September 2015

i am awake

what happenedddd

we were testing the blade
and He was there

the flood came. i had to stop him. the knife pressed into Him

the sound
that sound

it was like ripping
like paper
no, like flesh

except it had the sound of an earthquake ripping open a canyon

and He looked at me
the blade had stopped the flood
and then i collapsed and He was gone

i just woke up
its been weeks

the boy in the waistcoat must have extracted me

I need to regain control.

Friday 14 August 2015

Briefcase, Dream

CJ has clearly updated you all on our "gift".

I did manage to get it open. The Briefcase is about 30 cm up, by 40 across, and maybe 20 deep. Made of a heavy Plastic Material with an ugly patterning. It's completely black apart from two metal clasps on top.

Contact with the case causes an intense sensation of pins and needles, making opening the case very difficult. Any attempts to use external means, such as a long stick or gloves, causes such objects to fail in their grip - as though the clasps were lathered in some form of lubricant. However, this is not the case. With many hours of work, and the help of a crowbar, we managed to open the case. It was full of padding - sheets of paper with drawings on them, old Government files, etcetera.

But then we saw something at the bottom. It wasn't possible... It was so amazing and beautiful.

I mentioned a few posts back The Horizon's Blade.
It's real.
It's fucking real.

I held it up with both hands. There's something you just can't get from those descriptions, I tell you.

It's long with a curved end, like some weird mix between a Sabre and a Khopesh. The flat side of the blade, however, is thicker tan either type. It's made of this odd, Stained-Glass type substance -- as the myths depicted. The glass itself is odd in the fact that the different colors seem to melt into one another, there's no distinct border between the colors except at the edge. Right at the edge of the Blade, the Blade suddenly has this sort of... thin, Black line. The most defined edge to anything I've ever seen. I swear, I've never seen anything like it. On both edges, too. I see now why they call it the Horizon's blade - apart from the Autumnal colors of some sections of the Blade, the very edge of it is as thin and well defined as the Horizon.

Holding it gave off these odd whispers, but the strangest effects were when I actually tried to wield the Sword. As soon as I got my stance right, it felt almost as though reality cracked apart like an egg. I was suddenly in a field -- of course, not a real field. No, this was some weird, TV-Show style flashback or hallucination. Grays and pinks in the sky bled into the edge of the field. Before me stood a grand house, like some old asylum or the home of some kind of nobility. In the real world, I dropped the blade. My hand was jarring, as though I'd just suffered a severe impact to my elbow, except this sensation started with the tip of my fingers and felt at it's weakest in my shoulder.

Interestingly, the special properties the Briefcase manifested have faded, there's only a slight sensation of static electricity when I touch the clasps or handle.

As for the blade, the only other person who has any response to holding it is CJ. Her response is... minimal, but we hooked her up to an EEG while she held it. Fuck me, I've never seen such an amazing scan. Beforehand, she has almost entirely normal brain pattern, and then as soon as she touches the Handle? Wham. Her Brain goes completely haywire, at first I thought it was some kind of seizure or fit... but then I see what look like dreaming patterns. She drops the knife and starts gasping, and the EEG just briefly blips. CJ's brain ceased all higher activity for about one tenth of a second after she lets go, and then it returns.

And then we come to the dreams.

They'd been recurring for some days before the case. The man that CJ describes was in them, lounging in a heavy, Royal Green-upholstered chair. He's sat in the middle of an expansive office or Library, not unlike my own apart from the truly enormous windows, high balconies beside floor-to-ceiling bookcases, a roaring fire safely encased in a brick fireplace and the beautiful tables and chairs, all exquisitely carved wood, surrounding us.

He smiles deeply at me. He isn't exactly... Handsome, but not bad. A slight distant quality in his Oak-shaded eyes, with fluffy brown hair and a faint tan. He looks older than his true age, I'd say he was probably a young teenager but under that lighting, he could have been in his twenties. He wore the same grey waistcoat as when he'd met me, with his hat beside him on the desk. A Black Trilby, beautifully maintained and not at all deformed. He clapped his hands between us to draw my attention away from that hat.

"Do you know why you're here?"
I looked around me.
"Where is here?"
He grinned at the question. Reveled in it, I s'pose.
"Yes... a hard one. "Here" isn't... really, real. It's what most psychologists call a "Mind Palace", or some variant therein."
I was aware of such things, I'd even developed a rudimentary one in my youth. But who's mind palace was this, and how was it so beautifully developed?
"It's mine, don't worry. I only stole some small parts of it."
I shook my head in disbelief.
"How am I here then, if this place is yours?"
He shook is head, chuckling slightly.
"This isn't just a mind palace," he responded with a grin that radiated brilliance. "I have certain... abilities. This place is manifest, I just extended it to you."
I asked who he was.
"Judging by when you are... I'd say... It's best not to tell. Don't want to mess with the past, after all."
I looked at him long and hard, very confused.
"You exist before my... completion. Just talking to you is a bad idea in case past me starts to work things out, it could mess with my progression..."
I asked him how it was possible.
"I'm a... Conduit. The theory on your blog... it's correct. I'm the most successful, I just about managed to get away from Him."
"You're impossible."
"No, just a bit unlikely."
"Fine... I'll accept your existence. But why give me the blade?"
"Because I didn't need it, and I'm making an exchange."
"With the Giant?"
"Yes. For the life of another."
"And the Horizon's Blade also?"
"Yes. You need it..."
"For what?"
"The Convergence. I'm so, so sorry."
"I understand." (- I didn't, and during my dreams I am almost always in lucid control. I felt as though I should claim understanding, felt compelled to say it. but it wasn't true.)
"No, you don't. I need to train you with the Arcane God Slayer."
"Because you have so much to learn, and I have all the time in the World. I'm not in my body right now, and I need to shut out reality itself to stop the Giant from destroying everything I am. You have to go. Now."
A look of panic filled his eyes as they swept across the shelves. Light burst through the windows, the world burning away like damaged film.

The dreams are so repetitive. But at least He can't get me during them.


Monday 10 August 2015


The Giant stood outside the window today.
In It's hand it held a heavy briefcase, the kind you might keep a drill or other small power tool in. Made of some kind of tough plastic at a guess. It didn't... stand, so much as lope about, moving down the garden until it came to a stop about halfway from the building.

It stood, facing sidewards in relation to the house, for about half an hour or so. It had placed down the briefcase at it's side.

After half an hour, a young man appears out of nowhere, curled up in a ball. He slowly unfurled and stood up, which meant I could see him more clearly. He wore a grey waistcoat, white shirt with collar and a black trilby. In fact, given his rather slender tone, both the young man and the Tall Man seemed rather similar. He had brown hair and looked maybe between 14 and 17.

It took me a while to realise what he is. He's a conduit, I worked that much out. Somehow his frail, mortal body and mind can handle that much power. He can teleport or whatever that thing's form of movement is at will, he even fought it back. It actually grabbed him and that didn't stop him fighting.
I think they must have finally come to some sort of agreement. The boy picks up the briefcase and moves between that place and where everyone is in the house, watching from the study. He smiles awkwardly at us, puts down the case and says:
"bye for now."

And then he reappears by the Giant.
That boy could have ported anywhere. Could have disappeared for weeks. Probably could have punched a hole in the world, if what we think about the Giant is correct, and disappeared to another. Yet he made good on whatever agreement they'd come too. He collapsed, and the Giant disappeared.

And when  he got up, he was different. Blurry at the edges somehow. Tilting his head back and forth, cracking his knuckles. He looked to us -- no, he looked at me -- and grinned, a sinister, dark grin. And then he was gone.

I woke up on the floor with a pen in my hand.

I saw a note with the words:


This is not good.

I have to get help
but from who? /S/ has been trying to get that stupid case open all day, locked away with a knife, a soldier and a hammer.

Noone knows how to stop that thing. It was inside the boy...

Can't focus on it.

bye for now.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

We need to be more careful.

We've been following this Ramona girl. I mentioned her in an earlier post, her blog is called:

She saw us. CJ and I had been keeping an eye and attempting to observe whether or not the Giant had a specific interest in her.

It does.

She took a picture of me and put it on her blog;

[excerpt from the blog of Ramona Carrie Lake:]

He is following me.

I apologise for the issues in my camera, they're ongoing.

Why is he following me? I've seen him everywhere I go, always wearing the same beige trenchcoat.
I need to work out who he is.

[End of Excerpt]

Firstly, the camera distortions that she has constantly suffered are heavy implications of It's presence.
But she got it on camera. It was right there with us... I don't know how I missed it. Here's a closer look:

The Tall Man is watching her, too. There has to be something we can do.
